staying merry during a holiday move

Is moving threatening to put you on the “naughty” list?

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and fellowship. However, a major move can put a major damper on your Yuletide happiness!

Smooth Holiday Move

Fortunately, you don’t need Santa and his elves to fix this issue. We’ve prepared a solid guide for making your holiday move easier than you ever thought possible.

Grab the gifts and go

Everyone knows the holidays are a really busy time. This leaves a big question: when should you be moving during the holidays?

Not everyone gets to pick exactly when they move. But if you have a choice, the best time to do it is right after Christmas.

Most people who traveled for Christmas will stay in town a few days, and maybe even through New Year’s. This means you’ll have the better part of a week where the traffic is nice and quiet.

In our book, avoiding nasty traffic is one of the best ways to avoid stress. Just add this idea to your moving checklist.

Organize ahead of time

If you are moving after the holidays, that means you’ve already opened up presents in your old home. To avoid crazy stress, you’re going to need to organize ahead of time.

Throw away or recycle any of your wrapping paper and other holiday accessories. And be honest about the things not worth taking with you: this is the perfect time of year to donate unwanted items.

Finally, be sure to pack up your Christmas decorations last. This will give the family some extra time to soak up the holiday cheer before the big move.

New address efficiency

There are many annoying things about moving to a new home (especially a holiday move). And one of the worst is letting everyone know what your new address is.

If you’re not careful, this process can take hours or even days. It involves emailing, messaging, texting, or writing just about everyone in your life.

Here’s a hot tip for a cold season, though: send out Christmas cards to everyone that feature your new address.

If you were going to send holiday cards out anyway, then this is a time saver for you. And even if you weren’t, this is a way to get extra value out of something that is otherwise boring and annoying.

Packing order

This next one may not be a surprise if you’ve moved several times. If not, here’s a powerful tip: you need to pack the house one room at a time.

Start with rooms that aren’t being used (like guest rooms and bathrooms) and pack them into labeled boxes. This allows you to very quickly unpack when you get to the new house. Don’t forget to bring important things like closet organizers for the new place.

Packing in this way also allows you to spread the packing process over a number of days or even weeks. This means you won’t have a last-minute scramble right before moving day or Christmas itself.

Incentives for kids

Moving can be particularly tough for kids, especially little ones. The idea of adjusting to life in a new home just seems very scary.

Our advice? Regardless of when you are moving during the holidays, hold a few extra Christmas gifts back for your children to open after the move.

This gives the kids something to look forward to, and this can help make moving into a more positive experience. And as an added bonus, you’ll be extending the charm of the Christmas season, which is a great way to make everyone feel more at home in the new place.

Decorate smarter not harder

‘Tis the season for lots of Christmas decorations! Unfortunately, taking down the decorations and packing them up can be annoying and time-consuming.

We have some very simple advice on this front: only decorate with things that are easy to take down.

This might mean using an artificial tree or sticking with very basic ornaments. Anything you can do to simplify the decorations will also end up simplifying your moving experience.

Don’t try to play host

The holidays always bring family and friends together. And getting to see everyone is one of the most special parts of the holiday season.

There may be a chance that you and your home normally play host to the annual gathering. If you’re about to move, we have some easy advice: don’t do it!

Politely suggest that the annual gathering takes place somewhere else. Sure, it may disrupt a family tradition. But you’ll feel less stressed when you don’t have to plan a party while packing up a home.

Be weather ready

Ironically, most of the stress of moving comes from focusing on the here and now. People tend to focus on the stresses of the present time, including packing up a home and consoling crying children.

However, if you don’t focus on the future, there’s more stress coming. Ask yourself: are you ready for the weather in your new home?

You may need to buy some new items before the big move. For instance, if you are moving to a colder climate, then you may need to buy some heavier Winter gear.

Take the time to warn your family about the change in temperature. The fewer surprises, the better!

Keep it contained

Are you ready for a very “outside the box” moving idea? Here it is: you need to start thinking inside the box.

Not just any box, though. We’re talking about special storage containers.

Some moving companies will pack your home into a storage container at the old location and unload everything at the new location.

While this is a more expensive solution, it comes with a fairly big benefit. It means that you and your family get to enjoy a real Christmas vacation before making your move.

Holiday Move: The Bottom Line

Now you know the best tips for making your holiday move just a little easier. However, do you know a moving company that will really take care of you?

At Jay Moves, we are your ultimate local authority in local and long-distance moving services. To see how we can help you start a whole new life, contact us today.